All Sneaky Pete cues Sold
Key Benefits
- Designed and made by Mezz Cues in Japan
- These Mezz cues are some of the best cues in the
world for their exceptional quality and playability, at this price
- Buy with confidence: All of our Mezz cues are brand new &
directly from Mezz Cues in Japan.
- Most of the Mezz cues at our website are
in our stock ready to ship. When we list a Mezz cue, we stock it*
All Mezz Sneaky Pete cues sold out
Model # MSP2-K
Model # MSP2-MD
Birdseye maple, Compositewood
Birdseye maple, Morado, Juma

Model # MSP2-C
Model # MSP2-P
Birdseye maple, Cocobolo, Juma
Birdseye maple, Purpleheart, Juma
Model # MSP2-B
Birdseye maple, Bacote, Juma
Mezz Cues with ignite carbon fiber shaft

Model # MSP2-K-ignite
Mezz sneakypete MSP2-K with ignite shaft upgrade, united joint
To add a Mezz shaft to the cue, please see the Mezz
Shafts page. We will give extra discount when order a second shaft
with a Mezz cue.
Stock & price are subjected to change. Discount available on certain
condition. Email us for update discount for any Mezz cue.
*Free cue case style and value vary.