Cues with Ignite Shafts
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At this time, most of the Mezz cues are out of stock. We will receive more cues soon.
You may place order we put you in the waiting list.

Click on the cue for an enlarged picture. 

Model # ASTR-231 - IGNITE
ASTR cue with wrap, rings, United joint, with IGNITE shaft

Model # ASTR-232 - IGNITE
ASTR cue with wrap, rings, United joint, with IGNITE shaft

Model # ASTR-233 - IGNITE
ASTR cue with wrap, rings, United joint, with IGNITE shaft

Model # ASTR-234 - IGNITE
ASTR cue with wrap, rings, United joint, with IGNITE shaft

Model # ASTR-235 - IGNITE
ASTR cue with wrap, rings, United joint, with IGNITE shaft

AVANT cue without wrap, orange rings, United joint, with ignite shaft 
Price $1060

AVANT cue with linen wrap, orange rings, United joint, with ignite shaft 
Price $1120, 

Model # AVT- WPi/W2-IGNITE
AVANT cue without wrap, pink rings, Wavy2 joint, with ignite shaft 
Price $1060

Model # AVT- Pi/W2-IGNITE
AVANT cue with wrap, pink rings, Wavy2 joint, with ignite shaft 
Price $1120

Model # EC9-K - IGNITE
Mezz cue EC9-K with an Ignite shaft. United joint.

Model # EC9-R - IGNITE
Mezz cue EC9-R with an Ignite shaft. United joint.

Model # EC9-W - IGNITE
Mezz cue EC9-K with an Ignite shaft. United joint.

Model # EC9-K - IGNITE2
Mezz cue EC9-K with a WX-Sigma shaft, and an Ignite shaft. total two shafts. United joint.

Model # EC9-W - IGNITE2
Mezz cue EC9-W with a WX-Sigma shaft, and an Ignite shaft. total two shafts. United joint.

Model # EC9-WMK - IGNITE
Birdseye Maple wood, black stain Birdseye maple wood grip, with one Ignite Carbon Fiber shaft. United joint.

Joss Cues with IGNITE Shafts

JOS101- IGNITE   Joss cue, maple wood in black stain, upgrade to IGNITE 12.2mm CF shaft
Sug. retail price: $780   Our online price: $700

JOS101-1- IGNITE   Joss cue, maple wood in gray stain, upgrade to IGNITE 12.2mm CF shaft
Sug. retail price: $780   Our online price: $700

JOS101-4- IGNITE   Joss cue, maple wood in brown stain, upgrade to IGNITE 12.2mm CF shaft
Sug. retail price: $780   Our online price: $700

For other Joss cues with ignite shafts, please email us 

Schon Cues with IGNITE Shafts

Model # SH103B- IGNITE
Birdseye maple forearm with ebony points. Ebony butt with maple inlays.
Shaft: come with one Mezz Ignite carbon fiber shaft ( the best carbon fiber shaft )
Regular price: $1490    Online price $1320

Model # SH302- IGNITE
Birdseye maple forearm with ebony points, and elforyn inlays. Ebony butt with elforyn inlays.
Shaft: come with one Mezz Ignite carbon fiber shaft ( the best carbon fiber shaft )
Regular price: $2070    Online price $1820

For other Schon cues with ignite shafts, please email us 

Rhino Cues with IGNITE Shafts

Model # RH661- IGNITE
Rosewood Rhino cue with points, 3/8x11 joint, match the ignite shaft pretty good
Shaft: come with one Mezz Ignite carbon fiber shaft ( the best carbon fiber shaft )
Regular price: $850    sold out this time

*Stock & price are subjected to change. Discount might be available on certain condition. Email us for detail.

We only ship Mezz cues in the USA.