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We Stock MANY Exceed Cues ready to ship! 
The Exceed cues are in our USA office.
We might have the largest inventory of Exceed cues.
All of our Exceed cues are directly from Miki Co. in Japan. We not buy from other dealers.
We have some Exceed cues coming from Miki every few weeks.
If to order an Exceed cue from Miki, will need to wait for about 3 years.
When order an Exceed cue from us, you do not need to wait long, and you may get the lowest price.

This page not updated. Please check our Exceed cues at 

Key Benefits

  • Designed and made by Miki Co. in Japan. 
  • Exceed cues are the best custom cues made in Japan.
  • Each design has limited quantity of cues. Great for collection.
  • Buy with confidence: All of our Exceed cues are brand new & directly from Miki Co. in Japan.
  • Most of the Exceed cues at our website are in our stock ready to ship. When we list an Exceed cue, we stock it*
  • Bonus: Free deluxe joint protector and Free pro cue case per request, when you buy any of the Exceed cues at online price. Limited time only. 

Click on the cue for a clear picture 

Model # EXC- 0305CNw
A Beautiful Exceed cue with points and Paua Shell inlays. 
Cocobolo wood, Juma, Paua shell inalys, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro shaft installed with Zen Plus tip.

Model # EXC- 0305ET
Exceed cue with inlays. Ebony, turquoise, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft

Model # EXC- 804EWPw
Exceed cue with inlays. Ebony, purpleheart, Juma, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture    Arm    Butt
Model # EXC - 0305ENSP
A Beautiful Mezz Exceed cue with points and inlays.
Ebony, Juma, Paua shell, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft installed with Zen Plus tip.

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture    Arm    Butt
Model # EXC - 804EWEw
A Beautiful Exceed cue with points.
Ebony, Juma, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro shaft installed with Zen Plus tip.

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture    Arm    Butt
Model # EXC - S131NAw
A Beautiful Exceed cue with points and inlays.
Ebony, Juma, red Juma, Paua shell, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft installed with Zen Plus tip.

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture     Arm     Butt
Model # EXC - S0601EY
Exceed cue with inlays. Ebony, yellow heart wood, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture    Arm    Butt
Model # EXC - 0306EP7
A Beautiful Exceed cue with points and inlays.
Ebony, Purpleheart, Juma, Turquoise, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft installed with Zen Plus tip.
Weight: 19.50oz

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture     Arm    
Model # EXC - FaL6ETu
Exceed cue. Ebony, Tulip points with 2 veneers, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture    Arm    Butt
Model # EXC - 0308C2
A Beautiful Exceed cue with points and inlays.
Cocobolo, Ebony, Juma, Paua shell, Diamond rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro shaft installed with Zen Plus tip.

Model # EXC-SC
Solid playing cue. Cocobolo wood, fancy rings, Wavy joint. 
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft

Model # EXC-SMN
Solid playing cue. Birdseye Maple wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft

Model # EXC-SMNw
Solid playing cue. Birdseye Maple wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint. white butt cap white joint
Shaft: One Mezz Hybrid Pro2  shaft

Model # EXC-SMK
Solid playing cue. Birdseye Maple wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft

Model # EXC-SMKw
Solid playing cue. Birdseye Maple wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint. white butt cap white joint.
Shaft: One Mezz Hybrid Pro2  shaft

Exceed Cue Extension

Model # 2" Extender
Exceed 2" extender
Regular price $85, 
Model # 4" Extender
Exceed 4" extender
Regular price $105, 

Model # ERB-EX
EX Rubber Bumper, for extension
Regular price $30,

Following Cues sold out this time
Some of these Exceed cues coming soon )

Model # EXC-SE
Solid playing cue. Ebony wood, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-SEw
Solid playing cue. Ebony wood, fancy rings, Wavy joint, white butt cap white joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
  sold out this time

Model # EXC-SMEw
Solid playing cue. Macassar Ebony wood, fancy rings, Wavy joint, white butt cap white joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-SME
Solid playing cue. Macassar Ebony wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-SCw
Solid playing cue. Cocobolo wood, fancy rings, Wavy joint. white butt cap white joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-ST
Solid playing cue. Tulip wood, fancy rings, Wavy joint. black butt cap black joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-STw
Solid playing cue. Tulip wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint. white butt cap white joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft
sold out this time

Model # EXC-SMTw
Solid playing cue. Birdseye Maple wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint. white butt cap white joint.
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-SB
Solid playing cue. Bocote wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint. 
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-SBw
Solid playing cue. Bocote wood, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
Regular price: $1550,  
sold out this time

Model # EXC-SZw
Solid playing cue. Zebra wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint. white butt cap white joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-SZ
Solid playing cue. Zebra wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint. 
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-STRw
Solid playing cue. Chingchan Rose wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint. white butt cap white joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-STR
Solid playing cue. Chingchan Rose wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint. 
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXC-SMT
Solid playing cue. Birdseye Maple wood, white and silver stitch fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft
sold out this time

Model # EXC-DLS6-EMAre
Ebony butt and forearm, mable wood points and ring, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Mezz EX Pro shaft.
Weight: 19.50oz

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture    Arm   
Model # EXC - SL5BMrw
Exceed cue with points.
Ebony, brown Marly wood, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft installed with Zen tip.
Weight: 19.50oz

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture     Arm    
Model # EXC - SL5CMw
Exceed cue. Ebony with curly maple points, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Ex Pro  shaft
sold out this time

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture     Arm    
Model # EXC - FaL6EC1
Exceed cue. Ebony forearm, Cocoblo points with 2 veneers, cocobolo butt, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Wrapless Exceed Cues

Model # EXD- ME/Cw
Solid playing cue. Macassar Ebony cue, cocobolo handle, fancy rings, Wavy joint. white butt cap, white joint. See Butt and ring
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Model # EXD- P/MEw
Solid playing cue. Purpleheart wood cue, Macassar Ebony handle, fancy rings, Wavy joint. white butt cap, white joint. 
Shaft: One Mezz Ex Pro  shaft
Weight: 19.50oz
sold out this time

Click on the links for  Enlarged Picture     Butt     
Model # EXCEED - Zebra/Macassar Ebony
Exceed cue.
Zebra cue with Macassar Ebony handle, fancy rings, Wavy joint
Shaft: One Mezz Hybrid Pro II shaft.
Weight: 19.50oz

Model # EXD - FME/MN 

To add a Mezz shaft to the cue, please see the Mezz Shafts page. We will give extra discount when order a second shaft with an Exceed cue.


*Stock & price are subjected to change. Discount might be available on certain condition. Email us for detail.
*Free cue case style and value vary.