Mezz Cues
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 Carbon Shafts

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Mezz cues are built to the highest standards using some of the finest materials from around the world. Their cues are made with a commitment to total quality control at each step of the way. The best materials are carefully crafted using both traditional and modern methods. Designs are unique and unforgettable, ranging from the simplest shapes to complex and intricate patterns. 

Mezz cues are some of the best cues in the world for their exceptional quality and playability.

J&J America has been the Mezz Cues distributor in the USA from 1995, longer than any other Mezz distributor in the USA. For years, Mezz Cues made some exclusive cue lines for J&J. All of our Mezz cues come direct from Mezz Cues in Japan.

Most of the Mezz cues at our website are in stock* ready to ship, including the Exceed cues, Cue with ignite shaft. When we list a Mezz cue, we stock it*

We can add ignite shaft and ExPro shaft to any Mezz cue

Mezz Cues ACE Models                        Pricing: $830 - $1700
Mezz ASTR Models
Mezz Cues CP21 Wavy2 Models                    Pricing:  $550 - $750
Mezz Cues Exotic Series                                  
Pricing:  $470 - $850
Mezz Cues Pro & LE Models                              sold out
Mezz Power Break & Jump Cues                      Pricing:   $350 - $650
Mezz Cues Onsale                                  At discount price

We ship Mezz cues only to USA and Canada address.

We stock some OB made OB+ shafts for the Mezz Wavy joint cues:

OB-MZ, OB1+, Mezz Wavy joint, silver ring
Retail price $268
Online price $219.30

OB-2MZ, OB2+, Mezz Wavy joint, silver ring
Retail price $268
Online price $219.30

OB-CMZ, OB classic+, Mezz Wavy joint, silver ring
Retail price $268
Online price $219.30  

OB-PMZ, OB Pro+, Mezz Wavy joint, silver ring
Retail price $268
Online price $219.30

Stock & price are subjected to change. 
Email us for dealer price or special

For further information about the Mezz Cues company and the Mezz cues, please check Mezz Cues website: