Web Changes
This is where we'll announce the most recent
additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's
changed, take a look here first.
We keep adding new products and give discounts for some items. Please make
sure visit our web site frequently for any updated information.
Tad Cup in Taiwan, December
- Big Sales
- We are offering discounts up
to 50% off of many of our products. Check out our On
Sale Items.
New Product Announcement
- We are now
distributing a new pro cue case with
Wheels, a new series of fine Panther
cues, new design of J&J cues, and other new products. please check our New
Products for more details.
Kaiser Cues: We have
more new designs of Kaiser cues. Check with our Kaiser
Cues page for detail.
Jump cues, Jump Break cues just arrived.
Tad Cues: Looking for a
Tad cue, we may have some in stock.
Check Tad Cues page. Some new designs of Tad cues
are available now.
Mezz Cues: We stock a full line of Mezz cues from this July.
reduce our Mezz cues retail price for more than 10%. When order online you get an
15% off . Take a look at the 2001
LTD model or the Mika Immonen
model from Mezz cues. Also, the new CJ
cues & JM cues from Mezz Cues made just for
J&J America
Check our Vincitore Cue Cases. We reduced the
price for 40% or more. More new designs also.