Joss Break Cue " The Thor Hammer"
Key Benefits
- Cues designed and made by Joss Cues in the USA
- Phenolic joint. Tests have show that this type of joint may
add 20% more ball speed of the tip.
- Joss layered tip. A tip that will stand up to the abuse of
breaking balls with little distortion.
- Full core technology. This Joss cue has a Canadian hard rock maple
core through the entire section. This core adds strength and
stability to the entire cue, along with that one piece feel.
- Buy with confidence: All of our Joss cues are brand new &
directly from Joss Cues. We are one of the largest distributors for
Joss cues.
- Big save: you save up to *15% from
the retail price.
Limited time only.
- Bonus: Free
deluxe joint protector,
and Free J&J
cue bag per request, when you buy any of the
Joss cues at
online price. Limited time only.
Models & Pricing
Click on the cue or links for a clear picture.
Model# Joss-Thor-Ironwood
Model# Joss-Thor-Purpleheart
Ironwood front, handle, rear. purpleheart
rings. Purpleheart front, handle,
rear. Ironwood rings
Regular price $360,
Regular price $360
See the cue's Technical
Special Price: $297.50
Special Price: $297.50
Light or Heavy cues available
Light or Heavy cues available
Model# Joss-Thor-Black
Regular price $380
Special Price: $314.50
Light or Heavy cues available

Model# Joss-Thor-Black-Black Arrow
Joss Thor break cue with Black Arrow carbon fiber break shaft
Regular price $590
Special Price: $500
Light or Heavy cues available
Stains, color & woods of Joss cues may be slightly different from
the picture.
*On sale special price subject to change, & when stock available
only. Free cue case style and value vary.
Email us for update onsale price for any
Joss cue.